Troubleshoot Learner Login
1. Have your learners activated their BeED account?
All new learners will receive an activation email from BeED. Make sure your learners click on the activation link in the email in order to set their passwords and start using BeED.
2. Have your learners' activation link expired?
Your learners can still reactivate their account by clicking on the Forgot Password link and keying in their email address. BeED will then send a reset password link to their email addresses which will activate their account.
3. Have your learners been deactivated?
Check the Learners page in the Admin Panel and ensure that your Learners have not been deactivated. If they are, click on the 3 dot icon on the right side of the page, and click Activate.
4. Have you changed your Learner's email address?
BeED user accounts are tied to their email addresses. Even if a Learner changes their email address, they must still login with their original email address used to sign up for BeED. If your Learners wish to use a different email address for BeED, please create a new Learner account for them in the Admin Panel Learner page.
If you are still unable to help your Learners log in, contact us and we will do our best to help you.