How to set up Learners

Learners - Introduction

In the BeED LMS, Learners are grouped into segments, levels, classes and subclasses for lessons and grading.


To better understand the differences, take a look at the following example:



: Primary, Secondary etc


: Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3 etc


: Class 1A, Class 1B, Class 2A, Class 2B etc 


: Boys vs Girls/ Science vs Arts electives / Remedial Math vs Standard Math etc


The next few articles will teach you how to fully utilize the Segments, Levels, Classes and Subclasses feature in the Learner tab of the Admin Panel.

What are Segments, Levels, Classes and Subclasses in the LMS?

A Segment in the LMS is an educational stage in your school/organisation, e.g. Primary for kids aged 7-12 and Secondary for kids aged 13-18. A Level in the LMS is the stage in your Segment, e.g. for a Primary Segment, you can have Levels 1-6 and for Secondary you can have Levels 7-12. A Class in the LMS is a group of Learners who are in the same Level, e.g. for Level 1, you can have Class 1A, Class 1B and Class 1C. A Subclass is a division within a Class, e.g for English, you can divide your ...

How to create and edit Segments

Creating a Segment 1. To create a Segment, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page lists down all the Segments, Levels and Classes you have under your Institution. Click on the blue Create Segment button. 2. Type in the Segment name and click on Create Segment. This will add the Segment into your list of Segments available. (E.g. Upper Secondary, Lower Secondary, and so on) ------------------------- Editing a Segment 1. To edit a Segment, click on the Pencil Icon b...

How to create and edit Levels

Creating a Level 1. To create a Level, click on the Learners tab under Roles. This page lists down all the Segments, Levels and Classes you have under your Institution. Click on the blue Create Level button. 2. Select the relevant Levels to be added under the Segment. For example, Grade 1 will be Level 1 of Segment Primary School, and so on. Click on Create Level once you are satisfied with the changes. ------------------------- Editing a Level 1. Click on the Pencil Icon be...

How to create and edit Classes

Creating a Class 1. To create a Class, click on the Learners tab under Roles. Select the Segment and Level for which you would like to create the Class in. Click on the Create Class button. 2. Fill in the relevant information in their respective fields. Select a Homeroom Educator (Class Teacher) you would like to assign to the class. Homeroom Educators will have access to the Gradebook where they can view all grades for their class. Click on Create Class once you are satisfied with the cha...

How to create Learner accounts

Importing Learners using Excel or CSV You can only import Learners one class at a time. Make sure you are already in the correct class before proceeding. 1. In the Learners page, select the class you wish to import Learners into. Click on the Import Learners icon 2. Click on Download Example to download a .xlxs template ( for you to fill up 3. Open the downloaded file and fill in the details accordingly. Ensu...

How to create and edit Subclasses

Creating a Subclass You can sort learners in your class into subclasses as certain lessons may require classes to be divided into smaller subgroups. This allows for easier classroom management as well as for different learners to view a customized timetable based on their subclasses. 1. To create a Subclass, select the Segment, Level and Class for which you would like to create a Subclass. Click on the Subclasses of (Class) tab. 2. Click on the Create Subclass button. 3. On the Creat...

How to transfer Learners across Classes

Transferring Learners 1. In the Learners page, go to the target class where you want to transfer your Learners into. Click on the Transfer Learner icon. 2. Select the academic year and class which your Learners are currently in. Click on Add Learner. 3. Select the Learners you wish to transfer out of the original class. Save your changes and import when you're done. Your learners will now be added to your target class.

Why can't my Learners log in?

Troubleshoot Learner Login 1. Have your learners activated their BeED account? All new learners will receive an activation email from BeED. Make sure your learners click on the activation link in the email in order to set their passwords and start using BeED. 2. Have your learners' activation link expired? Your learners can still reactivate their account by clicking on the Forgot Password link (