What is the difference between a nested and an independent Lesson?

A nested Lesson differs from an independent Lesson in the following aspects:



Nested Lesson 

Independent Lesson

Parked within an existing Unit Plan.

Not parked within a Unit Plan.

Certain information is pre-filled such as Curriculum, Segment, Level, Course and Unit Plan.

Information is not pre-filled. Lessons can be created for any Curriculum, Segment, Level, Course and Unit Plan.

Contents attached under Syllabus, Objectives, Assessment Rubric, Learner Skills and Learner Traits documents to the Unit Plan may be constrained.

However, you can click on Choose Strands to select the criteria or sub-criteria for each Document.

Documents are not constrained.

Independent Syllabus, Objectives, Assessment Rubric, Learner Skills and Learner Traits documents can be imported, or created as nested documents within the Lesson under a Unit Plan.

Click on Choose Strands to select the criteria or sub-criteria for each filled Document.

Cannot be imported into other Unit Plans. 

Can be imported into other Unit Plans.

Note: Nested Documents within an independent Lesson can be overridden by those under the Unit Plan.