What are Learning Experiences?

BeED’s Learning Experiences (LEs) consist of engaging digital content that can be done for self-guided or independent learning. Through its interactive mapping feature, authors can create and organize media-rich lessons based on their preferred teaching methods such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, Flipped Classroom, Differentiated learning and more. 





These interactive content can then be linked to Places of Interest, used in the classroom or applied anywhere else, restricted only by creativity. 


Think of the LEs as a means to present information to your Learners through convenient, easily digestible formats such as videos, audio, images and text.


Furthermore, you can also improve interactivity of your activities by asking your Learners to:



And the best part is, learning never stops with us - with the app’s offline functionality, you can even access these lessons when there is no Internet connectivity!




To begin creating your first Learning Experience, navigate to the Contributor Dashboard.