1. To begin, highlight the word or phrase that you want to search for in your block and click on the Resources icon.


2. This will open the Wikipedia page for your highlighted word or phrase in a pop up. Use it for reference as you write your lesson, or link it to your learners.


3. Click on the Link icon to add the article URL into your lesson. Paste the article URL into the URL field and click OK.


4. Once the phrase is linked to your URL, it will turn blue and underlined. You can click on the linked phrase and select the link icon to edit your link or the unlink icon to unlink the URL.


5. Your learners will now be able to preview the linked Wikipedia article directly from their lesson by hovering over the linked word or phrase.

Reminder: Do encourage learners to practice their reading and fact-checking skills by referring to the references at the bottom of the article!