2.2 Setting up the Curriculum for Different Models of Assessment

Different curriculums require different modes of assessments. With BeED, you have the flexibility to construct your curriculum in line with various types of assessment.


Tip 1: Set up your curriculum’s Assessment Type

When setting up Segments or Courses in your curriculum, specify whether your curriculum’s assessment type consists of rubrics, percentages or both. This will help tailor the options available to your teachers later when it comes to creating and grading their assessments. 



Tip 2: Set up rubrics for assessments, learner skills and learner traits

BeED’s rubrics are not limited to just the assessment of academic knowledge, but they also support the holistic evaluation of learner skills and traits. Click on these links to learn how to customize your own Assessment Rubrics, Learner Skills Rubrics and Learner Traits Rubrics for your segments and courses.


Tip 3: Cherry pick assessment criteria for each unit plan.

Once you’ve created Unit Plans, you can pick and choose the specific assessment criteria that apply to each unit. This ensures that Unit Plans are closely aligned to the curriculum standards, and prevents Unit Plans from straying from curriculum guidelines. Check out this article to find out more. 


Tip 4: Customize lesson content in line with assessment needs

Make full use of a range of lesson customization options to cater to different assessment types. 

For assessments graded using the Segment or Course rubrics, you can select specific criteria that are applicable to your assessment. This makes rubric selection and grading more transparent to teachers at all levels.



For assessments graded by percentages, you can allocate point values for each specific question. Questions can be graded automatically for MCQ questions, or with a personalised touch for open response questions. Once graded, assessment scores will be automatically calculated and displayed in the Gradebook and Report Card.



For assessments that enforce academic integrity and proper citation standards, you can turn on the inbuilt plagiarism checker, which will automatically check any documents submitted by learners for plagiarism. 


Tip 5: Schedule timed assessments ahead of time

Toggle on the overall timer for timed assessments. For remote assessments, you can also schedule release dates and deadlines to ensure that assessments are only available exactly when you want them to be.