What happens when I change the Active Academic Year?

Once the Active Academic Year is changed in the Admin Panel, the following changes will occur in the LMS:


1. Admin Panel

  • In the Learners page, the default year will be updated to the new year. Changes can still be made to the previous academic year.
  • In the Timetable page, the default year will be updated to the new year. Changes can still be made to the Timetable in the past academic year as long as the selected date has not passed yet.

2. Curriculum Builder

  • The Active Curriculum tab will now display the Curriculum for the new year.
  • Curriculums for past years can still be viewed and extracted. However, they cannot be edited anymore.

3. Gradebook

  • Learners and Parents can now access the Schedule, Lessons, Grade Overview and Report Cards for the new active academic year.
  • However, all users will have certain limitations in what they can do in the past academic year.



Past Year

Active Year

Future Year


  - view schedule

  - preview lessons

  - view feedback for learners

  - give/edit feedback for to learners

  - view grades

  - give/edit grades

  - view Grade Overview

  - view Report Card

  - create/edit Report Card





  - view schedule

  - view lessons

  - answer lessons

  - view feedback and grades

  - view Grade Overview

  - view Report Card





  - view schedule

  - view lessons

  - view feedback and grades

  - view Grade Overview

  - view Report Card





4. Connect

  • Messenger, Restricted Words, Manage Reports and public Forums/Announcements will not be affected.
  • Private topics and announcements that are linked directly to a user’s account will not be affected. 
  • However, users will lose access to private topics linked to their role in the previous academic year. E.g. if a topic is linked to Class 1A in 2020, once the active year changes, learners in that class will no longer have access.
  • New private topics and announcements created during the new active academic year will only apply to roles in the new academic year, and not roles from previous years.