Creating Independent Objectives in My Library

The Objectives document is used to list the learning aims and goals for a particular:

  • Course
  • Unit Plan
  • Lesson

This helps make sure that all Lessons contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the Curriculum.

Creating Independent Objectives

1. In My Library, click on the 'Create' button in the top right corner. Select Objectives.

2. Enter the Objectives name, recommended segment, course and description. Note that for course name, you can only select from the courses initialized in the Admin Panel. Click Save.

3. Key in the Recommended Curriculum and select from the drop-down list.

4. Fill in the table at the bottom of the page with your Objectives topics, subtopics and sub subtopics.

  • Click on the + icon to create a new topic, subtopic or sub subtopic
  • Click on the x icon to delete a row
  • Key in the number of lessons that should be used to teach each subtopic.

5. To add another Level for the Objectives, click on the plus icon next to Level 1. Repeat Step 4.

6. Click 'Save' in the top right once you’re done.