Getting Started With Journeys

Logins and Passwords

Welcome to the BeED Community! To get started on your learning or teaching journey, make sure you’ve first activated your account with us by clicking on the activation link in the confirmation email sent to you*. You will then be asked to set your password after clicking the activation link. In order to use the Google or Facebook Single Sign-On (SSO), the email that has been registered to your BeED account must be the same email linked to your Google or Facebook accounts. *If you haven...

A Quick Walkthrough of BeED Journeys

Thank you for choosing BeED Journeys - we’re ecstatic to have you onboard with us! With Journeys, you’re now able to do the following: - Create ( interactive Learning Experiences for indoor or outdoor learning - Create ( and manage ( Learne...

What Can Different Roles Do?

BeED Journeys allows you to have more than one role within an account (linked to an email address). These roles are Admin, Educator, Learner and Basic. These roles hold the following permissions:

Switching Roles through the Browser

If you are logged in as a Basic Member, you will need to change your account role before you can access Educator or Admin features. To switch your role, click on your profile icon in the main dashboard and then on Switch Role. Select Educator or Administrator from the drop down menu. (Note: You will only have an Educator role if you have been invited to a Hub as an Educator by your Institution Admin) With the Educator or Administrator role, you will now see several other features prev...

Switching Roles in-App

When you first log into the BeED app, your app will not display any other LEs except for the Tutorial LEs. This is because the account you’re logged into is a Basic Member account. To make other LEs accessible, you will need to switch your role to an Educator or Admin role. Note: You will only have an Educator role if you have been invited into a Hub as an Educator by your Institution Admin. Tap on the Account Settings function in the menu of the BeED app to access the Switch Role feature...