Schedule Function In Gradebook

How do I view a Schedule?

Note: To utilise this function, a Timetable needs to be set up first in the Admin Panel, where Educators slot in their Courses, Lessons and Learners. To view a Schedule: 1. Click Schedule on the leftmost column. 2. Select the Schedule type from the drop-down list under Schedule in the top left. Note: The Curriculum Director can view the Institution Schedule, while the Head of Department can view the Course Schedule. 3. Select the relevant Class from the drop-down list. By clicking on ...

What is the difference between My Schedule, Course Schedule and Institution Schedule?

Every Educator using the Gradebook will have the following 3 schedules: - My Schedule - Course Schedule - Institution Schedule My Schedule This lists all the time slots for the courses that you have been assigned to. Course Schedule This displays all time slots for a specific Course across all school levels in your Institution (available for Heads of Departments only). Institution Schedule This displays all time slots for all Courses in your Institution.

What will my Learners see in their Schedule?

Your Learners will be able to see the following in their Schedule: - Daily courses and time slots - Lesson Titles (clicking on a Lesson Title will take them directly into the lesson) - Any set deadlines - Completion tracker to track individual lesson progress - Final grades for Lesson (if given)

What can I see on the Learner Feedback page?

At the top of the page, you will see the Lesson name and the Number of total questions for the Lesson. On the left, you will see the list of Learners and their completion percentage. Alternatively, you can change your display to filter by questions by clicking on the question mark icon.

What type of feedback can I provide in the Learner Feedback page?

You will be able to provide the following: - Overall Comment - Leave a rating and comment on the Learner’s overall performance for the particular Lesson. - Question Feedback - Leave a comment for individual questions. You can use the thumbs up icon to indicate a correct response and the light bulb icon for an incorrect one.

How do I view or provide feedback in the Learner Feedback page?

To view a Learner’s feedback: 1. Click Schedule on the leftmost column. 2. Navigate to the date and time slot that you want to view the feedback. 3. Click on the Lesson Name of the lesson you would like to view. To provide feedback to a Learner: 1. Click Schedule on the leftmost column. 2. Navigate to the date and time slot that you want to provide the feedback. 3. Click Provide Feedback under Lesson content. 4. Enter your comment and click on the paper plane icon to submit.